About Us

About YCMS


YCMS encourages and supports colleagues to participate in various public welfare activities, responding to social needs, cultivating awareness of social citizenship, internalizing a corporate culture of social responsibility, and implementing the group's commitment to giving back to society."



Love。Together Activities

We promote various charitable activities, including second-hand clothing/shoe recycling and donation campaigns, as well as donation through receipt issuance, encompassing various forms of social welfare initiatives.


Step 30

◆ January 2024,  a total of 6 large boxes of supplies were donated   

Invoice Donation

◆ Donate invoice  to「Genesis Social Welfare Foundation」

Group's 70th anniversary charitable activities

◆ Responding to Far Eastern Group's 70th anniversary charitable activities.

◆ Donated eight large boxes of supplies to Copper Coin Park                                   

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